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How to find the MAC address of your Entry LR sensor

The MAC address can be found on the side of the box that the sensor came in.Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 4.48.22 PM.png

Important: The MAC address will only show in your dashboard after a sensor has come online. If you need the MAC address to provision your sensor, it can be found on the sensor's box. If you need help, email

Note: You must have owner or admin-level permissions to access the sensor status page

  1. Log in to
  2. At the top of the screen, click Sensor Status
  3. Find the sensor in the list. You can filter your sensor list by location or search by name
  4. Scroll to the far right of the chart for the MAC address
  5. You can download the full list of your sensors and details by clicking the download icon on the right, next to Filter Sensors.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 4.41.54 PM.png

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