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How are Atlas metrics calculated?

Below are the working definitions for the metrics we are currently displaying in Atlas ROI and using for any custom reports. 


  • All metrics are derived from one-second space counts
  • All references to time interval length are relative to working hours. Example: With working hours set as 8 a.m.-6 p.m., a day’s interval would be 9 hours.
  • Time interval options for CSV export: 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 1 day

Average Occupancy

The average number of people in a space over the requested time interval.

*note: Average Occupancy is not currently used in the app but is used to calculate Average Occupancy When Used below.


Average Occupancy When Used

The Average Occupancy multiplied by the Time Used Percent in the requested time interval. In practice, this will amount to the average occupancy when occupancy > 0. This is the Average Occupancy used by Atlas.


Time Used Percent

The amount of time a space was occupied relative to the total amount of time in the requested time interval.


Heat Map Data

Heatmaps are an accumulation of raw data over time. The more data returned from a particular square on the floorplan over 15 minutes, the brighter that “pixel” is.

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