Density Live lets you see which spaces are available at any time. Upload your floor plan to see coral/teal room availability and allow users to find available spaces to work.
There are currently two options: adding Live to a display or sharing it with all users via a link. This article will go over the display version, which can be set up by admins or owners. Live displays can be used on browsers, tablets, or displays. We recommend touch displays to allow employees to interact with the information.
Note: Currently, Live is only available for Open Area sensors. Live Entry data can be found on Displays.
- Go to Atlas.
- Ensure you have live Open Area sensors and a floorplan uploaded. If you need help with your platform setup, reach out to your Account Lead or
- On the left navigation bar, click Admin.
Setting Up a New Floor
- Add landmarks to each display to help employees orient themselves on the map. In the center of the page, click Create Landmark and select from the available icons. Click on the map to drop the landmark icon. These will persist for all displays and shareable links.
- Click the icon to change the text, move, or delete it.
- The right column allows you to set the views for the admin page. These views do not apply to the displays or shareable links.
- Availability: the teal/coral view of available spaces
- Health: See sensor locations and details. Online sensors will be white, offline red, and planned but not yet commissioned will show as yellow.
- Objects:
- Perspective: Select the 2d or 3d view
- Rotation: Set the angle the floorplan will be shown
- Spaces: Show/hide spaces on the floorplan
- Sensors: Show/hide sensor health on the floorplan
- Busyness: Show/hide the busyness of amenity spaces (empty, quiet, or busy)
- Landmarks: Show/hide where the landmarks are located.
- Displays: Show/hide the displays on the floor
4. Use the sensors overlay to understand the space's health. For more information, see the help article Sensor Health.
Setting up a Display
- To create a new display, click Display Setup in the middle of the page and select your monitor type. Click where the display will be installed on your floor plan to add it to the floor.
- This will also add a “You are here” star icon to the display
- Click edit to adjust the screen type, 2D or 3D view, and orientation
- Interactive setup mode enables the touch screen options for interactive displays
- Show QR code gives a link for users to take the display with them. This will remove “you are here” star markers from the shareable link. To set shareable link settings, see the Shareable Link section below. The settings are global for all links that come from a QR code or a URL.
- Note: This requires SSO configuration
- Customize space functions allow you to set which types of spaces will be displayed from workstations, meeting spaces, and amenity spaces.
- The covered spaces on your floorplan will show:
- Coral: In use
- Teal: Available
Shareable Links
The floor settings will be used for the shareable link. Shareable links can be added to your existing displays via a QR code, shared via a link on an internal website, or other internal communication channels. They can be viewed on a phone, tablet, or computer.
Please note: SSO must be enabled with Density before you can share links with users who are not in Atlas. For information on setting up SSO, see the article How to Setup Single Sign-On (SSO) with Atlas
- To get a shareable URL, go to the floor in Live Admin. Click the arrow icon in the top right corner to open shareable link settings.
- Set 2D or 3D perspective
- Set the floorplan orientation
- Adjust the rotation and tilt
- Add the QR code
- To allow employees to open the URL from a QR code on a display, click the edit button on a display in Live Admin. Check Show QR Code.
- This will remove any “you are here” star markers.
- If a user goes to without specifying a floor and/or space, we check their local storage to see their history:
- If they have accessed a single floor, they will be redirected to that floor.
- If they have accessed multiple floors, they will see a floor list to select which location to view.
- If they have not viewed a floor, they will be directed to find a QR code or speak with an administrator.
Please note: These options follow local browser history, not the user’s SSO. If they clear their browsing data or use a different browser or device, they will not see the options to select a screen.
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